On the request of SatansPetCat
Fabricating the rear corners
New wheels
that it my friend, i have been over a hundred miles from it for the last 4 weeks, but i will be able to update and do more as of wednesday.
Fabricating the rear corners
New wheels
that it my friend, i have been over a hundred miles from it for the last 4 weeks, but i will be able to update and do more as of wednesday.
split up with james thats wats so crap but im kinda glad in a way as it was on the cards....
on the up side i just had Jessika pierce both my nipples !!!
hurts but it will be worth it in the long run
i msg'd u on myspace as i wont be goin to southwest motor show now obviously but im sure we'll get to meet up at sum point
big hugz
ps: keep upo the good work on the bug
I'll get you a picture of my progress later, but I'll give you a hint; Headliner!!