For the record, I don't really remember posting that Steely Dan lyric. I think that means that I secretly listen to Steely Dan when I'm drunk. ! My appologies.
Well, I just made my contribution to Section 215 of the Patriot Act. Today I returned seven books to the library regarding privacy and civil liberties. I'm sure that my next trip on an airliner should be delayed by a lengthy questioning session.
Among the books I borrowed, and the only one I read through was 1984. Reading it leaves one with the distinct feeling that everything in it is imminently possible.
There have been times in American history when the First Amendment was challenged, e.g. the McCarthy hearings, but we've come back to a political center; a sort of equilibrium.
Privacy rights were challenged in the early 90s with proposed legislation on the clipper chip and enacted legislation on telephone wiretap capabilities.
Today voice over IP is causing the feds heartache. They want the tax revenue and the ability to wiretap. Both are technical difficulties which will raise the price for the consumer. Many belive that the telephone companies are behind this. They have 125 years of slow moving technology and customers to protect. Well, customers and revenue not to loose, that is. Nothing like getting the Federal Government to protect your bottom line. Hello airlines.
So back to 1984... With the current state of knowledge driven by the Internet, people will be harder to oppress. China is fighting hard to keep dissenting opinions on the Internet away from their citizens. People are smarter than ever, it's harder to fool them.
Privacy won't be as easily preserved. We've given in to having credit cards, buying things online, using super market discount cards. Our spending habits and personal preferences are a matter of corporate record, ready for the government and identity thieves to review. Law enforcement defends its position that it needs the means with which to do their jobs... And after all, if you're not doing anything wrong, why do you care if we just look at your records?
Write your congressmen! Read the news paper! Use strong encryption on a daily basis! Stand up and be counted that you like privacy.
Well, I just made my contribution to Section 215 of the Patriot Act. Today I returned seven books to the library regarding privacy and civil liberties. I'm sure that my next trip on an airliner should be delayed by a lengthy questioning session.
Among the books I borrowed, and the only one I read through was 1984. Reading it leaves one with the distinct feeling that everything in it is imminently possible.
There have been times in American history when the First Amendment was challenged, e.g. the McCarthy hearings, but we've come back to a political center; a sort of equilibrium.
Privacy rights were challenged in the early 90s with proposed legislation on the clipper chip and enacted legislation on telephone wiretap capabilities.
Today voice over IP is causing the feds heartache. They want the tax revenue and the ability to wiretap. Both are technical difficulties which will raise the price for the consumer. Many belive that the telephone companies are behind this. They have 125 years of slow moving technology and customers to protect. Well, customers and revenue not to loose, that is. Nothing like getting the Federal Government to protect your bottom line. Hello airlines.
So back to 1984... With the current state of knowledge driven by the Internet, people will be harder to oppress. China is fighting hard to keep dissenting opinions on the Internet away from their citizens. People are smarter than ever, it's harder to fool them.
Privacy won't be as easily preserved. We've given in to having credit cards, buying things online, using super market discount cards. Our spending habits and personal preferences are a matter of corporate record, ready for the government and identity thieves to review. Law enforcement defends its position that it needs the means with which to do their jobs... And after all, if you're not doing anything wrong, why do you care if we just look at your records?
Write your congressmen! Read the news paper! Use strong encryption on a daily basis! Stand up and be counted that you like privacy.
Of course, I'm the kind of guy that walks around his house without clothes on, so...meh.
I know my neighbors use my wireless connection. I know my roomate can easily see where I'm surfing if he wants to.
The police can know my interests, and the government can know my spending habits. I'm not really bothered. Yes, I do quite a few illegal things every day, none of which threats of punishment is going to change.
So long as my right to express myself isn't taken away (it may already be socially, but I'm talking about written laws), then I might get mad.