Work lately has been a state of quiet rage. I'm bored out of my mind. There are short, infrequent bits of excitement followed by agonizing hours of boredom and banality.
My job has endless tasks of TPS reports and meaningless paperwork. Mix that in with sanctioned fundraisers, awards ceremonies, last minute requests that should have come weeks ago and the everyday battle of delivering dialtone to people's phones, which is surprisingly harder than it sounds.
Today I started reviewing a 137 page document that looks like it was written by a 13 year old. I start axing redundant paragraphs only to be told that the original wording is the "approved language." I didn't realize that just because the draft was written by someone with commas and letters following their name, poor writing was acceptable.
So then I come home. Exhausted. I wake up, eat, play around on the computer or maybe do some reading. Go to bed, do it again.
I'm not getting any younger and I'm certainly not getting any smarter.
I'm starting to wonder if I need a new job. That's scary because I have no skills for another.
My job has endless tasks of TPS reports and meaningless paperwork. Mix that in with sanctioned fundraisers, awards ceremonies, last minute requests that should have come weeks ago and the everyday battle of delivering dialtone to people's phones, which is surprisingly harder than it sounds.
Today I started reviewing a 137 page document that looks like it was written by a 13 year old. I start axing redundant paragraphs only to be told that the original wording is the "approved language." I didn't realize that just because the draft was written by someone with commas and letters following their name, poor writing was acceptable.
So then I come home. Exhausted. I wake up, eat, play around on the computer or maybe do some reading. Go to bed, do it again.
I'm not getting any younger and I'm certainly not getting any smarter.
I'm starting to wonder if I need a new job. That's scary because I have no skills for another.
I can't seem to figure out what skills I need to acquire a job that I wouldn't mind giving 40 hours to every week.