Well I finaly managed to get to a working computer, so this is a long over due shout out to all my friends on this site that i have gained so far, props to ya'll!
Whooooo! yeah!!! I'm moving to Canterbury. I'm sure this means much less to everyone else but I'm excited about it!!!! hmmmm, anyway....
Oh well it should be fun.
Well as sad as it is, aged 18 I'm finally moving out of my mum's house to fend for myself in the big wide world. But I now find myself wondering if this means I'm an adult now?...... I don't know..... maybe I am but I guess I can get away with just calling myself immature.
and I finaly have a picture of myself...... a really lame picture but nun the less now everyone knows I'm not a 45 year old perv..... just an 18 year old perv.... not really I'm just a nice guy please don't shun me.
Well st.Patricks day was fun..... well considering I was the only one at the pub sober I quite enjoyed myself.
Oh well, I must abstain..... true I feel left out but I shall not drink!
Hmmm, it would appear that I have wasted an entire day, oh well..... I think I should go get a job, I mean I can only live off benefits for so long right?..... A job it is then, hopefully the next time you hear from me I'll be a working man.
Wooo, I'm finally 18!!!!
Anyway...... Hi to everyone out there I'm James my profile will tell you most thing about me so read on and yeah feel free to say hi.