I'm recovering from Bonaroo. very little sleep and lots of heat, sun, rain, and great live music makes Will a very tired boy! Now I have to get to work on moving to Mobile. Just took a position in a great clinic down there, so I guess I'll be getting accustomed to the beach and water instead of the hills. By the way, anyone want to buy a house in Huntsville?
She's a complete fucking idiot. NO KIDDING!! The way she practices medicine scares me sometimes. Just FYI, she's trying to buy into the er clinic and they won't let her!
She gets no respect from anybody, so you're not the only one who dislikes her!
I didn't make it to the graduation.
I got sick as hell, I can only assume it was from bonnaroo. All that rain on saturday night is what did it i'm sure. It's about a 14 hr drive to Va and I just wasn't up for it. How's everything with the move going? Found a place in Mobile yet?