I'm working on my digital portfolio. I don't do any editing, except to apply an action that I made, which kind of distorts the image and increases contrast. No cloning, blurring, cropping or burning.
run for the edge, as fast as your legs will carry you:
BA doesnt offer nearly as much as SG does, BUT u can post TONS more sets in a short period of time, and they are easier to get posted. They are a little more lenient ya know, well i guess cuz its like.. porn.. hahaha Id love to shoot with you. its such a far drive tho. your more then welcome to stay here if u wanna come shoot with me here and crash for the night cuz it is so far. Or a beach down in DE doesnt matter to me. im open to anything. if you have ideas id love to hear em. blah my head hurts. well drop me a line anytime, and yeah id be much more willing to get naked infront of a hot chick then some sketchy older man who seems like he's a child molester or probably takes sub quality pictures just to get girls naked for his own personal collection. -shutter-
Thanks much
Amanda <3