Been a long time since I've been on SG. And damn, I miss it :c problem is, I'm at sea.
For those that don't know, I'm studying to become a maritime officer. I'm now on my second (and last) internship before I'm finished with school.
Compared to my last ship, this one has no internet. So no sg, litrle social life you name it :') am able to text people (the old skool way B) so that's some comfort. But besides that, not much.
To tell a bit more about my internship, I'm currently on a 104 meter long tanker ship called "kestrel fisher". I wake up every day at 0710, stay in bed till 0730, after which I go eat my breakfast. I work in the engine room from 0800 till 1200 after which I have a 1 hour lunch brake. After lunch I go on the bridge and keep watch with the 2nd officer who is my mentor on the deck department. this till 1600 after which I'm free to do as I please (which is mostly schoolwork, catching up on tv series, and exercising.
This ritual is repeated 7 days a week :'D
I'll also try to upload some photos.
Btw, I'd love to meet new people, so if you live in the UK, Netherlands, Denmark (or some other north-eastern European country) and like to meet up, send me a message ^^ maybe there's a chance next time I'm near you :)