The awakening had gone as planned.Slade,as the man now called himself,was a member of the nobility of the night.He was not a full vampire as he always thought but a Dhampire,a half breed.Now that he knew the truth he was Miserable,Even more so then when he thought himself to be normal.Back then all he had to worry about was the Untraceable craving and the feeling of absolute loneliness.Now however he faced things that he had never bargained for.His new lust for blood was a terrible burden That he had no idea how to deal with.He began to keep his distance from normal people so as not to tempt himself.He ventured out at Night when he needed to feed,Mostly muggers and criminals when he could find them but when one hungers one must do what one must do.Ironically this unfortunate young man was now truly alone in the deepest meaning of the word.Regular people could never accept him,and he could not allow himself to become close to another human being if he ever lost control over his hunger.Others of his kind wouldn't accept him because he was a Dhampire,and not quite worthy of the immortal legacy.So truly alone he wandered from place to place hoping to find some anwer,some reason to continue living.However what Slade did not realize was that there were not only two groups,Humans and vampires,There were others who knew about "nobility of the night".Others who were keen on removing them from the mortal coil.The disciples of Abraham Van Hellsing.Vampire hunters from every race and religion with one common trait,Their hatred of Night walkers.These hunters were aware of Slades awakening as he would soon find out.........................
Hey bro! Long time no talk! How have you been?
Happy Birthday!