The awakening had gone as planned.Slade,as the man now called himself,was a member of the nobility of the night.He was not a full vampire as he always thought but a Dhampire,a half breed.Now that he knew the truth he was Miserable,Even more so then when he thought himself to be normal.Back then all he had to worry about was the Untraceable craving and the feeling...
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Hey bro! Long time no talk! How have you been?
Happy Birthday!

I got put on the books today at work so thats not so bad,But we may be doing some funeral work for a 17 year old girl
.I hate it when we get work for people that young,it's so unfair,and we did the work for this girls younger sister not even two months ago.It really gets me that there are rotten people in this world...
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I've got it bad..........................

bythe unhappy smileys im guessing this is...bad?
Thanks for answering my questions!! sorry to hear about the grrl!

Sorry I haven't updated for awhile but I wanted to wait until I got some pictures up.If you happen to take a look let me know what you think,I could use a little boost in confidence right about now
.I'm kinda kranky cause I've decide to sware off dating for awhile.I have this problem that for years I've always thought that I needed some one...
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True, true. I just like being by myself. That way, I'm the only person that fucks me over. And how long can you stay mad at yourself?
I hear ya bro. It does make it harder for sure! One of the big things is my roomate just got married. Kinda makes me feel out of place. Nice to know that I have backup though. Ill just keep drinking this cheap wine and playing my 'choking victim' cd.
Once I felt whole
but that feeling is long gone
Now I feel nothing
She broke my heart and stole my soul
Even surronded by people
I am totally alone
There is no escape
It will always be one step behind me
That faceless fear
The voice that haunts my dreams
The nothing that eats me from the inside
The stabbing pain that is always...
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but that feeling is long gone
Now I feel nothing
She broke my heart and stole my soul
Even surronded by people
I am totally alone
There is no escape
It will always be one step behind me
That faceless fear
The voice that haunts my dreams
The nothing that eats me from the inside
The stabbing pain that is always...
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When I was in South Dakota, my family did a picture like that. I was a bar maiden. I was sexy.
What up, yo?
Once upon a time there was a Prince named SnowMizer13.He was quite happy for along time until an evil witch placed a curse on his head that turned him into a beast.She left behind a magic rose that would bloom until the prince's 21st year.If he could find someone to love him before the last petal fell the curse would be broken.But who could ever...
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I'll love you 

Nah, you're sweet.
Beautiful beyond Imagination
Delicate as a flake of snow
Fragrent as the first day of spring
The Brilliance of a Rainbow
Everything anyone could ask for
Look but never touch
You'll end up with a broken heart
And broken skin.
Now that I got that out of the way
Today is going pretty good,but my letter still didn't come yet
Oh well,Guess I'll just drown...
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Delicate as a flake of snow
Fragrent as the first day of spring
The Brilliance of a Rainbow
Everything anyone could ask for
Look but never touch
You'll end up with a broken heart
And broken skin.
Now that I got that out of the way

Today is going pretty good,but my letter still didn't come yet

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that's purty. Who's it about?
Hey, thanks for the complements. You're swell!
Hey, thanks for the complements. You're swell!

Yuck I hate Monday
,But only because I have to wake up early after getting to sleep in over the weekend
.It always reminds me of Garfield,Ever Monday He'd wake up and SPLAT!,He'd get hit with a pie,Well getting up early is my own personal SPLAT!.I've been waiting for weeks for a really important letter to arrive but it's still not here
.Other then that...
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For some reason I've always liked Mndays.
Speaking of letters...I just found out my po box was closed Friday. G'damnit. What did I miss?
Speaking of letters...I just found out my po box was closed Friday. G'damnit. What did I miss?
Ireland is the only place I've been to outside of the U.S...and it IS absolutely amazing and beautiful. I've never felt more at home than when I was in Ireland.
Finaly,the weekend.Not that I have anything to do but at least I'm off work until Monday.I'm slowly adjusting to single life(Even though I got dumped months ago)Aren't there any women out there who can apreciate a nice sensitive guy?

I'd want to look at you
Every once and a while, you just need some attention and reinforcement that you're attractive, you know? I'm just nervous that you'll be the only one to think that being nude when you're not 110lbs is okay.
Anywho, yeah.

Every once and a while, you just need some attention and reinforcement that you're attractive, you know? I'm just nervous that you'll be the only one to think that being nude when you're not 110lbs is okay.
Anywho, yeah.
I completely agree.
I'm going to add you to my friend's list. I think you'e fun.
I'm going to add you to my friend's list. I think you'e fun.

Finaly,the weekend.Not that I have anything to do but at least I'm off work until Monday.I'm slowly adjusting to single life(Even though I got dumped months ago)Aren't there any women out there who can apreciate a nice sensitive guy?