A melancholy moment.I left India for the final time today (well, at least the final time under my soon-to-be-ex job). As much as I have mixed emotions about India, the fact is I have spent hundreds of days there over the past five years made it an emotional farewell as I sauntered through IGA for the last time. Love it or hate it, I certainly KNOW it. Even the curmudgeonly, machine gun-wielding army officers at the doors seemed friendly today..
Now its on to Bangkok, for the second emotional farewell of the week. Only Thailand will be different, because unlike India I actually love the place.
And it loves me
Last stop will be Singapore, but that story is for another day.
Now its on to Bangkok, for the second emotional farewell of the week. Only Thailand will be different, because unlike India I actually love the place.
And it loves me
Last stop will be Singapore, but that story is for another day.
What are you doing on the dreaded V-day? lol