Sdmh at this...
Muslim Hearings In Congress
Rep Peter King is a jack ass. This is a waste of taxpayers' money.
If we are going to have hearings on domestic terrorists, how about we include everybody? Atheists, Christians, Whites, Blacks, Asians, and so forth. We all are a threat according to those who use fear as a tool to rule. It is the American Way since the beginning of this country to be afraid of thy neighbor, if thy neighbor happens to look, speak, think, and live differently than you.
We need more of this...
I love this song, I put it on repeat all the time, and it is so fitting for this country....
Muslim Hearings In Congress
Rep Peter King is a jack ass. This is a waste of taxpayers' money.
If we are going to have hearings on domestic terrorists, how about we include everybody? Atheists, Christians, Whites, Blacks, Asians, and so forth. We all are a threat according to those who use fear as a tool to rule. It is the American Way since the beginning of this country to be afraid of thy neighbor, if thy neighbor happens to look, speak, think, and live differently than you.
We need more of this...
I love this song, I put it on repeat all the time, and it is so fitting for this country....
couldnt agree more
Songs In the Key of Life is the single greatest album to ever be released... to date. And this is one of my favorite songs from that album. Reminds me of dancing around the house with my dad before I could even talk.