I hate my bank
they cipher money from me like I am a 2 dollar whore....5 dollars for a money order....monthly checking fees....blah blah...
about 2 weeks or so ago, they cleared some amounts quickly so that they could hit me with the 35 dollars per overdraft fees....and i had the money coming into my account, but it was a day late.
*on my way to get a money order*
I hate Bank of America

they cipher money from me like I am a 2 dollar whore....5 dollars for a money order....monthly checking fees....blah blah...
about 2 weeks or so ago, they cleared some amounts quickly so that they could hit me with the 35 dollars per overdraft fees....and i had the money coming into my account, but it was a day late.
*on my way to get a money order*
I hate Bank of America

Multiply that BS times a million and you have Wachovia. Pure evil in its true form.
I hate banks