So I go to my usual spot, I spent all my money but whatever(I have reserves), and thought that everything was cool until one of the dancers, who I befriended(I guess), decides to tell one of the waitresses that she is going to beat her a** because she took her money.....which was actually my money and I spend it on whom I please, but since I've spent it on her before, I guess she felt like she had first dibs on my cash....Prior to hanging out with the waitress, the "friend" had left me to go make some money which is what she is supposed to do.....
When she told the waitress that she wanted to fight her and thats her money, the waitress told me. So I asked the "friend" why did she say that to her....She goes "its none of your business"....Ughhh, you threatening someone over my money, becomes my business. I didnt fight or argue, I just walked away.
Management ended up throwing her out. I can't believe that she threatened that girl like that.
I left the issue alone(this happened Saturday night) and said nada to her all day Sunday.....
Well this morning around 1-2 am I get 2 text messages.....from "the friend"
She calls me broke(I am) lol
She says that no one wants to cry over my money(yet, she created ruckus with a girl over it)
She tells me to lose her number(ok, I will....not a problem)
All I wanted to do was have some fun and not have drama.....Im officially done with that scene...
When she told the waitress that she wanted to fight her and thats her money, the waitress told me. So I asked the "friend" why did she say that to her....She goes "its none of your business"....Ughhh, you threatening someone over my money, becomes my business. I didnt fight or argue, I just walked away.
Management ended up throwing her out. I can't believe that she threatened that girl like that.
I left the issue alone(this happened Saturday night) and said nada to her all day Sunday.....
Well this morning around 1-2 am I get 2 text messages.....from "the friend"
She calls me broke(I am) lol
She says that no one wants to cry over my money(yet, she created ruckus with a girl over it)
She tells me to lose her number(ok, I will....not a problem)
All I wanted to do was have some fun and not have drama.....Im officially done with that scene...
thank you for your comment on my set!