One of my favorite shows is How I Met Your Mother. I found an interview with the show's Executive Producer. Ted's love life reminds me of someone else that I know
I'm mad that I can not access my account without being a member of Myspace. I canceled my Myspace eons ago and only brought it back to talk to an ex that I love, but then i felt like I'd never completely move on, if I still spoke to her on there, so I deleted it again. I reluctantly signed back up but thats only so I can get my imeem stuff back. Ugh!
I am sick of hearing about Tiger Woods. He cheated on his wife, yeah he's a bad dude and yea, the incident sucked ass, but I honestly don't care that Tiger Woods fucked a lot of chicks. Some of the chicks that they have mentioned, were before he got married, so whoopty doo! Dude has billions, and is a young man. Who cares if he likes the vagina. I like the vagina. All straight men like the vagina. He loses cool points for cheating on his wife, but gains cool points by being a vagina magnet. I always thought that Tiger Woods was a square but I guess in the words of Alpochino, "he loves the pussy"
I'm mad that I can not access my account without being a member of Myspace. I canceled my Myspace eons ago and only brought it back to talk to an ex that I love, but then i felt like I'd never completely move on, if I still spoke to her on there, so I deleted it again. I reluctantly signed back up but thats only so I can get my imeem stuff back. Ugh!
I am sick of hearing about Tiger Woods. He cheated on his wife, yeah he's a bad dude and yea, the incident sucked ass, but I honestly don't care that Tiger Woods fucked a lot of chicks. Some of the chicks that they have mentioned, were before he got married, so whoopty doo! Dude has billions, and is a young man. Who cares if he likes the vagina. I like the vagina. All straight men like the vagina. He loses cool points for cheating on his wife, but gains cool points by being a vagina magnet. I always thought that Tiger Woods was a square but I guess in the words of Alpochino, "he loves the pussy"