Two days to the whale watch! I hope we don't get eaten by a giant squid. Imagine, if you will, what it would be like to actually live in one of the many fantasy worlds that we create in fiction. A simple trip like a whalewatch could be deadly! Even if we weren't attacked by a giant squid, what if we were innocent bystanders in an epic battle between one and a whale?! Everyone would be gawking at the battle, but not like it would be in this world, it would be more of a "hey, I've only seen this on TV, lets get some pictures", instead of "OH MY GOD!! I THOUGHT GIANT SQUIDS WERE A CREATION OF FICTION!!!!" would be really wierd. Hell, we would have real life giant squid protection on the boat, like a giant squid zapper or something to get it to let us go when it grabs us. The squid attack would still be terrifying, but not nearly as much of a shock and surreal experience as it would be in this world. Kind of like getting kidnapped or something, it's still terrifying, but you at least knew that it might happen prior to it's occurance.
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