I'm having a hard time deciding if I hate my job, of if I hate my career. Thankfully, I'm only 20 so it's kinda easy to switch, but I think I need to work someplace else before I make that decision. I made the horrible mistake of parusing Monster.com last night and playing with the salary wizard, and it turns out that my flight instructors weren't paid nearly as poorly as they said they were, and I crunched some numbers and I would totally be able to afford college loan payments on that salary. I'm strongly considering moving back down south and re-enrolling at DW, but this time with the goal of being a Reigonal Pilot, rather than a long-haul, never get to see your family, see everywhere in the world, fly on autopilot 70% of the time, Carrier Pilot. The reigonals still pay damn well, and hell, flying from MHT to LOG to JFK to PWR all the time would be nice, I'd be able to get to go back to my family at night, and get a kick-ass paycheck in the process. I realized that something might be up when I heard someone mention $50,000/year and I thought it was alot of money. I think I need to go back to flying. I do miss seeing stuff like this on a regular basis: