The second attack in London has made everyone jumpy, but this is taking things too far. Authorities, and I use that term exraordinarily loosely, are becoming paranoid to the point of delusion.
My girlfriend, the Girl Guide leader, was going to take the bus to get to the church to meet up with the girls and bus to go to the camp. Naturally, she was carrying a backpack. Now my girlfriend is about as pale a white person as you can be, and was wearing a bright orange Hoodie so that she is easy to spot at camp. The Edmonton bus driver apparently felt she was a threat to blow up the bus.
It it weren't for the fact that it would probablt get me in all sorts of shit, I'd probably take an empty microwave box on the bus and mention it could have been a bomb when I get off the bus. Then they might start to think inside the box.
If there is a terrorist incident in Canada, it will happen in Ottawa (capital), Montreal(large jewish population), or Toronto (largest city). There's nothibg worth blowing up here.
My girlfriend, the Girl Guide leader, was going to take the bus to get to the church to meet up with the girls and bus to go to the camp. Naturally, she was carrying a backpack. Now my girlfriend is about as pale a white person as you can be, and was wearing a bright orange Hoodie so that she is easy to spot at camp. The Edmonton bus driver apparently felt she was a threat to blow up the bus.
It it weren't for the fact that it would probablt get me in all sorts of shit, I'd probably take an empty microwave box on the bus and mention it could have been a bomb when I get off the bus. Then they might start to think inside the box.
If there is a terrorist incident in Canada, it will happen in Ottawa (capital), Montreal(large jewish population), or Toronto (largest city). There's nothibg worth blowing up here.
But its crazy out of hand. I have already heard accounts of transit police stopping people because other passengers mistake their ipods for detonation devices
I bet the terrorists are kicking themselves for putting out that list saying they would attack Canada. "Aw, darn, we actually have to attack them now to keep up appearances?" Maybe they'll just try to take out one of our embassies somewhere. Not that that's good, but if it has to be something I'd prefer that.