This is very very strange. It turns out the sky has not, in fact, fallen.
The only good thing to come out of this election is that the Cabinet won't have any representation from Toronto. Awww.
The only good thing to come out of this election is that the Cabinet won't have any representation from Toronto. Awww.
not the worst outcome.
1) Toronto (and the GTA in general) didn't elect any Conservative MPs... and if you believe that the Cabinet should consist only of elected members of the party, then Toronto voters have only themselves to blame.
2) Or, you think that having non-elected officials deciding public policy is a good thing, then in theory, Harper could put a Torontonian into the Cabinet.
Rock, meet hard place.
In a way, it sucks. As a Torontonian (or a former one, at any rate), Toronto is pretty much pumped as a cash cow. It gets ignored for infrastructure projects when it really could use some money to help things like the TTC.
However, my position is that Torontonians need to step up to the microphone and speak up -- and vote for candidates who will speak up for them.
They didn't do that. They keep not doing it.