So it would appear that over the past fortnight or so I have turned into a M.I.L.F.
I'd find this quite flattering if it wasn't so bizarre and the fact that it's 18-21 year olds that appear to be putting me in the aforementioned category. I mean, c'mon, I'm old enough to actually BE their Mother That's just not right in my books. Either they're virgins or they seriously have something wrong with them if they think that I would actually hook up with them! Geee, get a life boys.
CreamyGoodness and I have been discussing one such boy involved in this charade ( I can't think of it in any other sense, than a big game to be honest ), and have decided that this Adam needs to be taught by CreamyGoodness on how to actually talk to women without all the text speak crap that's being spouted in online messages. Which is actually making me and Creamy laugh a lot, and then feel unclean because it's just so childish! I think Creamy is probably one of the best people to teach him how it's done, as long as he keeps the knives and stabbing prostitutes out of the equation (in-house joke folks!)
Other than that I've not really done much else this past week. Been busy at work, eating WAY too much when I should be back on track and losing weight. I know I should stop with the crap as I'm feeling way too tired and sluggish about everything right now, which means that I'm totally eating the wrong things. Sitting eating ring doughnuts and doritos whilst watching Downsize Me! is pure hypocrisy at its best. I shall aim to get back on the good stuff on Monday, and make my aim the first week in August for my next goal. So, 5 weeks to hopefully shift 14 pounds (of which 7 of those are what I've fluctuated with gaining and losing since my birthday).
I'm still aiming to get out of here for a couple of days in August when the kids go to Cornwall, but until I know exactly how long they'll be away for, I can't book anything up yet. The lure of Manchester is still playing on my mind, and the apartment block I stayed in for my birthday has vacancies at the cheaper rate again....but then again, I haven't been to London since November last year, haven't caught up with the SGUK posse, so maybe I should go there.....or even combine a trip to Manchester with a night in London on the way back. Who knows. First I have to have money for that to happen (which would be made a lot easier if someone would come through with the 200 cash for an order), and then I need actual dates, before I can contact people about hooking up.
Who knows, the weather might even have stopped being so shitty by then *wishful thinking*
Well, I have a large cold beer in the fridge yelling out for me, so I'll love you and leave you all for now
Michelle xx
I'd find this quite flattering if it wasn't so bizarre and the fact that it's 18-21 year olds that appear to be putting me in the aforementioned category. I mean, c'mon, I'm old enough to actually BE their Mother That's just not right in my books. Either they're virgins or they seriously have something wrong with them if they think that I would actually hook up with them! Geee, get a life boys.
CreamyGoodness and I have been discussing one such boy involved in this charade ( I can't think of it in any other sense, than a big game to be honest ), and have decided that this Adam needs to be taught by CreamyGoodness on how to actually talk to women without all the text speak crap that's being spouted in online messages. Which is actually making me and Creamy laugh a lot, and then feel unclean because it's just so childish! I think Creamy is probably one of the best people to teach him how it's done, as long as he keeps the knives and stabbing prostitutes out of the equation (in-house joke folks!)
Other than that I've not really done much else this past week. Been busy at work, eating WAY too much when I should be back on track and losing weight. I know I should stop with the crap as I'm feeling way too tired and sluggish about everything right now, which means that I'm totally eating the wrong things. Sitting eating ring doughnuts and doritos whilst watching Downsize Me! is pure hypocrisy at its best. I shall aim to get back on the good stuff on Monday, and make my aim the first week in August for my next goal. So, 5 weeks to hopefully shift 14 pounds (of which 7 of those are what I've fluctuated with gaining and losing since my birthday).
I'm still aiming to get out of here for a couple of days in August when the kids go to Cornwall, but until I know exactly how long they'll be away for, I can't book anything up yet. The lure of Manchester is still playing on my mind, and the apartment block I stayed in for my birthday has vacancies at the cheaper rate again....but then again, I haven't been to London since November last year, haven't caught up with the SGUK posse, so maybe I should go there.....or even combine a trip to Manchester with a night in London on the way back. Who knows. First I have to have money for that to happen (which would be made a lot easier if someone would come through with the 200 cash for an order), and then I need actual dates, before I can contact people about hooking up.
Who knows, the weather might even have stopped being so shitty by then *wishful thinking*
Well, I have a large cold beer in the fridge yelling out for me, so I'll love you and leave you all for now
Michelle xx
MILF eh? Well, there are worst burdens I suppose...but yeah, I guess it is kind of annoying to get male attention from the wrong age group!
sounds like youve got the right idea with spending time in both cities, since youve got reason to be at both. still got some time before it happens and youve got to find out when exactly so you can make it happen.