Happy Easter folks!
The house is full of choccy goodness and so far I've resisted the temptation of cracking into a KitKat Chunky egg
♥ I had a lovely day with my parents yesterday. And I even managed to escape and go for a long walk on my own while they took the boys to the park. In fact, it was very therapeutic for me stomping round my old town, seeing places I hadn't seen for a while and remembering who lived where when I was at school. I stomped for an hour and a half round the town, into the next village and back up a rather large steep and winding hill, and back again. Damn, I miss that place. In all honesty, there is NOTHING to do in the town, there's no clubs or anything, just plenty of pubs and places to eat, but it's home, it's familiar and walking round it yesterday brought back lots of lovely memories. And that is something that I miss more now than I have done in some years.
♥ My ex is getting married this year. Total bolt out of the blue news yesterday when I found out. Never thought he would, but Emma makes him happy and that's what matters in the end and I'm so excited for him
We so need to arrange a day out before he becomes an old married man! I haven't seen Al since towards the end of last year and it's been too long. We've been friends for 20 years now, and I guess it's funny for me to even think of him as an ex, considering we were only 14/15 at the time when we went out together. And it didn't last long, but to me, the friendship that we got out of it means more to me than anything. When we do go out for a day throughout the year, it's fun, chilled, (sometimes stoned), relaxed fun. Wandering around megaliths in the countryside, chatting like we've not long seen each other, yet it can be many months in between our outings due to us living so far apart now. Sometimes we don't even need to say anything, we can just lie on the grass, enjoying each others company, and then have a fit of the giggles about something totally obscure. Ah, friends mean a lot to me
♥ Silver, pink, blue, green or orange? Decisions, on what colour iPod Shuffle to choose
Looks like I may get my birthday wish after all
I'd just finished updating my wishlist when I was informed that I could have one
♥ 32 days until I get to Manchester
I'm looking forward to a lovely break away from home with some good people
♥ Weight is still going down, and I'm regaining some of my old bubbly self, so all is good! Only 7 months left to repay one loan in full, one account is back in credit already, and I'm working slowly but surely to clear another one. Being paid on a weekly rather than monthly basis is helping a huge amount towards this very important goal.
♥ And to top it all off, the sun is once again shining, the skies are blue
I love you all
Michelle xx

The house is full of choccy goodness and so far I've resisted the temptation of cracking into a KitKat Chunky egg

♥ I had a lovely day with my parents yesterday. And I even managed to escape and go for a long walk on my own while they took the boys to the park. In fact, it was very therapeutic for me stomping round my old town, seeing places I hadn't seen for a while and remembering who lived where when I was at school. I stomped for an hour and a half round the town, into the next village and back up a rather large steep and winding hill, and back again. Damn, I miss that place. In all honesty, there is NOTHING to do in the town, there's no clubs or anything, just plenty of pubs and places to eat, but it's home, it's familiar and walking round it yesterday brought back lots of lovely memories. And that is something that I miss more now than I have done in some years.
♥ My ex is getting married this year. Total bolt out of the blue news yesterday when I found out. Never thought he would, but Emma makes him happy and that's what matters in the end and I'm so excited for him

♥ Silver, pink, blue, green or orange? Decisions, on what colour iPod Shuffle to choose

♥ 32 days until I get to Manchester

♥ Weight is still going down, and I'm regaining some of my old bubbly self, so all is good! Only 7 months left to repay one loan in full, one account is back in credit already, and I'm working slowly but surely to clear another one. Being paid on a weekly rather than monthly basis is helping a huge amount towards this very important goal.
♥ And to top it all off, the sun is once again shining, the skies are blue

I love you all

Michelle xx
Happy Easter Mich
This is a lovely Easter weekend.