483 messages to read....yeah I'll get right on that. Shit I can't believe its been over a year since I updated...that means my life is sooo exciting and I just haven't had the time to write or I have been incredibly lazy. I do miss opening up my journal several times a day and just writing...when did that turn into "blogging"? That's so fucking stupid. I have several projects that I have been working on, none of them include sharing my deepest most intense, chaotic, and sexy thoughts. Though that might be kind of fun...again.
Ha it just occurred to me that 99% of the people who read my page in the past 11 years are no longer around.
Ha it just occurred to me that 99% of the people who read my page in the past 11 years are no longer around.

God, I love you.

Good on being busy:) God bless you for coming in & writing once in a while, stay beautiful Mademoiselle doll face XO