his name is diego, he is from colombia.
after the glass shattered and stuck to my face...i didn't really feel like xmas shopping. so last night i got chaos tattooed over my heart. it took ten minutes. my present to myself. i feel like writing, but i'm so stuck right now. everything internal and my heart stops when i fall asleep. i've been forced to leave the house at least twice a week, because apparently i'm going insane. i'm killing myself. i don't think i'm sad, i'm just lonely. my choice, bad mistake. i'm two very different people.
i helped put up a projector and a sheet at my friend's bar...so now people can watch my stupid movies and get wasted. it should be fun. today we watched blade runner...tomorrow chomsky. errrrrrrr.
i'm uncomfortable.
after the glass shattered and stuck to my face...i didn't really feel like xmas shopping. so last night i got chaos tattooed over my heart. it took ten minutes. my present to myself. i feel like writing, but i'm so stuck right now. everything internal and my heart stops when i fall asleep. i've been forced to leave the house at least twice a week, because apparently i'm going insane. i'm killing myself. i don't think i'm sad, i'm just lonely. my choice, bad mistake. i'm two very different people.
i helped put up a projector and a sheet at my friend's bar...so now people can watch my stupid movies and get wasted. it should be fun. today we watched blade runner...tomorrow chomsky. errrrrrrr.
i'm uncomfortable.
nothing better to do here in afghanistan....
i cant wait to get home to fl. where 2 bottles of absinthe and alot of red wines waits for me..that and interesting company..i cant talk to any one here, they lack intelligence and are not interesting
so very bord and lonley ( like kurt cobains song somthing in way.)