last year some fucked up kid in my country got jealous when his girlfriend kissed another guy.
weeks later he ties her to a chair, carves his name in her chest using a knive, douses her in gasoline and sets her on fire only to put her out in the shower after a while and setting her on fire a second time.
while in prison awaiting trial he beats two other boys nearly to death and he makes phonecalls to the girl (who now looks like bacon) promising to do it again as soon as he get's out.
the wise and fair dutch justice system sentences this kid to some 15 months of psychiatric care in a comfortable cushy hospital.
where is the punisher when you need him.

weeks later he ties her to a chair, carves his name in her chest using a knive, douses her in gasoline and sets her on fire only to put her out in the shower after a while and setting her on fire a second time.
while in prison awaiting trial he beats two other boys nearly to death and he makes phonecalls to the girl (who now looks like bacon) promising to do it again as soon as he get's out.
the wise and fair dutch justice system sentences this kid to some 15 months of psychiatric care in a comfortable cushy hospital.
where is the punisher when you need him.

CruxPlusOne: Try MySpace