it's 2.40 am, around midnight i thought i'd just read a bit more of orwell's 1984.
then i got to the part where winston and his girl are arrested and i just read the whole thing till the end.
probably the most soulcrushing, depressing thing i ever read.
For those people who read and replied to the advice column thinger that was recently published in my name.
i submitted that over a month ago so it's not very recent anymore.
after she spend a few days terrified and awake i nagged her into seeing her doc who promptly did some kind of childish "i told you so" act before drugging her silly and putting her back on zoloft.
then i got to the part where winston and his girl are arrested and i just read the whole thing till the end.
probably the most soulcrushing, depressing thing i ever read.
For those people who read and replied to the advice column thinger that was recently published in my name.
i submitted that over a month ago so it's not very recent anymore.
after she spend a few days terrified and awake i nagged her into seeing her doc who promptly did some kind of childish "i told you so" act before drugging her silly and putting her back on zoloft.
No, I don't actually do archery. The name is a play on sillyness. Archer cause i'm sagittarius. But also a switch on a song called "ZenArcher"
As far as I understand it Apple power supplies are meant to convert to most electrical current and fit in most sockets, easier to sell em and such. Anyway, I'm asking $600 for mine.