I helped my little brother return his schoolbooks for the end of the year today.
on the way back we biked through the park, funny how some things come full circle.
over ten years back there was a big storm and a huge oak tree was blown over and it fell over alittle stream creating a sort of bridge.
i used to play on that treetrunk all the time as a kid pretending it was the bridge to my castle or the deck of my pirate ship.
today i was there with my little brother and the tree is still there.
most of the branches are gone and it's a bit slippery from rot but isn't it amazing that a tree that fell over and died ten years ago is still there?
it was a nice feeling walking across the stream on the tree trunk one more time with my little brother for old times sake.
speaking of the little brat, i always thought he enjoyed the park in the same way i did, the peace and quiet, clean air etc.
turns out one of his favourite things to do is hide in the bushes next to the golf fields and jump out and go BOO! right when a golfer wants to swing causing them to blotch their swing.
i never thought he was such a little pest, then again i hate golfers.
i hate how many parks and tracts of woodland they cut down for their huge golfcourses that they then reserve for a select few rich people to play their stupid games on.
on the way back we biked through the park, funny how some things come full circle.
over ten years back there was a big storm and a huge oak tree was blown over and it fell over alittle stream creating a sort of bridge.
i used to play on that treetrunk all the time as a kid pretending it was the bridge to my castle or the deck of my pirate ship.
today i was there with my little brother and the tree is still there.
most of the branches are gone and it's a bit slippery from rot but isn't it amazing that a tree that fell over and died ten years ago is still there?
it was a nice feeling walking across the stream on the tree trunk one more time with my little brother for old times sake.
speaking of the little brat, i always thought he enjoyed the park in the same way i did, the peace and quiet, clean air etc.
turns out one of his favourite things to do is hide in the bushes next to the golf fields and jump out and go BOO! right when a golfer wants to swing causing them to blotch their swing.
i never thought he was such a little pest, then again i hate golfers.
i hate how many parks and tracts of woodland they cut down for their huge golfcourses that they then reserve for a select few rich people to play their stupid games on.
[Edited on Jun 29, 2004 3:09AM]
For housing, it's just like an adult corn snakes, except you need to start off with a very small enclosure and for hide boxes, use small candy boxes. Do they have NERDs where you live? Or like a matchbox, maybe. Something not much bigger than the snake itself, so that it has something very secure and closed in to hide in. Baby corn snakes usually have a bit of an attitude at first, which is really cute. When they bite, you can't even feel it. You feel a little thump where they hit you, but there isn't a pinch or anything. They will also rattle their tails like a rattle snake. I love baby corns. You should get one!