time for a new update i suppose.
i'm thinking about making a submission for the holland animation festival but i want to use a totally new animation style i never used before so i have no idea how good this is going to turn out.
my idea is a short movie about a kid that gets picked on everywhere, at home, on the train, in school etc. everyone is treating him like a freak so at the end of the day he takes the train and gets of on some really remote desolate station where he walks into the woods.
while he's walking through the woods the surrounding get's creepier and creepier untill he get's to a group of monsters and fiends sitting around a campfire but instead of something scary happening he just sits with the monsters and fiends like they're his friends and they treat him like he's normal.
i suppose there's some kind of moral in there but more importantly it's something i really want to make, i think it's kinda influenced by a book i loved as a kid called where the wild things are or where the wild things roam, something like that.
(it's actually called Max and the Maximonsters in dutch, i just heard the english title somewhere)
i'm not even sure if i can pull this off since i only have about a month or two to learn this new animation style i want to use and make the whole thing from concept to finish.
for some reason i was really in the mood for watching anime dvd's with a girl today, too bad i just have dvd's and no girl.
they should really start selling Lain packaged together with a girl to watch it with.
what else is new, well my snake just shed her skin, i'm still missing my hepcat cd, tomorrow i'm going to go see the movie Day after tomorrow and i really want 10.000$ to go travel around America.
and it's past midnight now so i'm going to bed in a bit, g'night everyone.
i'm thinking about making a submission for the holland animation festival but i want to use a totally new animation style i never used before so i have no idea how good this is going to turn out.
my idea is a short movie about a kid that gets picked on everywhere, at home, on the train, in school etc. everyone is treating him like a freak so at the end of the day he takes the train and gets of on some really remote desolate station where he walks into the woods.
while he's walking through the woods the surrounding get's creepier and creepier untill he get's to a group of monsters and fiends sitting around a campfire but instead of something scary happening he just sits with the monsters and fiends like they're his friends and they treat him like he's normal.
i suppose there's some kind of moral in there but more importantly it's something i really want to make, i think it's kinda influenced by a book i loved as a kid called where the wild things are or where the wild things roam, something like that.
(it's actually called Max and the Maximonsters in dutch, i just heard the english title somewhere)
i'm not even sure if i can pull this off since i only have about a month or two to learn this new animation style i want to use and make the whole thing from concept to finish.
for some reason i was really in the mood for watching anime dvd's with a girl today, too bad i just have dvd's and no girl.
they should really start selling Lain packaged together with a girl to watch it with.
what else is new, well my snake just shed her skin, i'm still missing my hepcat cd, tomorrow i'm going to go see the movie Day after tomorrow and i really want 10.000$ to go travel around America.
and it's past midnight now so i'm going to bed in a bit, g'night everyone.
He can't find the head so he continues on with his day, going to classes, but unable to speak - just makes gurgling sounds with the hole in his neck. I wonder if the monsters could relate to him better. It wouldn't be quite as cute, tho.
but if you send me your address I can send you a couple of the pink stickers.