Everything is made of tuesday because only the sky can cook happiness.
More Blogs
Thursday Feb 26, 2009
My contract got renewed. This makes me very happy since it's not a go… -
Wednesday Dec 24, 2008
We can leave your friends behind. 'Cause your friends don't dance… -
Saturday Aug 02, 2008
Life is busy, work, work and more work. Not very fun work either, jus… -
Sunday May 18, 2008
Bow to the awesomeness of these crews. -
Sunday May 11, 2008
Is honesty the best policy? I just hurt someone terribly by putting… -
Friday Mar 28, 2008
Here is life or here is dying, only sin is lack of trying. Grab your … -
Saturday Mar 22, 2008
This is a longshot but if anyone from Kobe reads this drop me a line.… -
Tuesday Feb 12, 2008
There's a woodpecker building nest in a tree right outside my office … -
Sunday Feb 10, 2008
I'm in need of some really cheerful silly music. I'm thinking of some… -
I usually find it's the girls that are REALLY hardcore into comics that freak me out. As do most guys. But again, having said that, i've always found normal people in amongst the masses. Walking into comic stores creeps me out sometimes, just because of the customers that might be there aswell. The ones that have to squeal when standing in line for a signing by an obscure author that like only 5 people in the world know; as if they're meeting that Twilight guy. Ehhhhhh.