Rolling into traffic
I am anticipating rain tomorrow...and me fighting someone maybe, depends on if they don't like my glasses again. It screwed my day up, this trying to feel more like a person and less like a uniform. I wore sunglasses...that's it. But to me, it felt like someone was trying to make me less human, because I would rather feel human than to look like a person who blends in. I am beginning to realize that I have never just blended in, I've always done something to be unique. It was my art and collared shirts in highschool, why can't it be sunglasses and no haircut in the military. My bad people...guess being an individual is too much to ask for. I'm tired of being told how wrong I am on things...when I know that for me it's right...and if someone tells me that they'll punch me in the face for some retarded thing that they shouldn't give a fuck about...I'm just gonna call them on it cause I'm just pissed. I think i'm losing my mind, not sure how I like it.
I am anticipating rain tomorrow...and me fighting someone maybe, depends on if they don't like my glasses again. It screwed my day up, this trying to feel more like a person and less like a uniform. I wore sunglasses...that's it. But to me, it felt like someone was trying to make me less human, because I would rather feel human than to look like a person who blends in. I am beginning to realize that I have never just blended in, I've always done something to be unique. It was my art and collared shirts in highschool, why can't it be sunglasses and no haircut in the military. My bad people...guess being an individual is too much to ask for. I'm tired of being told how wrong I am on things...when I know that for me it's right...and if someone tells me that they'll punch me in the face for some retarded thing that they shouldn't give a fuck about...I'm just gonna call them on it cause I'm just pissed. I think i'm losing my mind, not sure how I like it.