tired of the same ol shyt of being to good for people. tired of being the gentleman, the care giver, and door mat. meh itis what it is been this way for so long honestly don't know if i could change or would even be able to except change. wanted to start this year different but ive only continued in the same direction further into the future. plus side need a whole new wardrobe soon. down 4olbs since my birthday. hoping to look half way decent for my vegas trip in march. hope you all are doing well and thank you ladies for the wonderful and amazing images of you gorgeous goddesses.
Congrats on the weight loss, that's major! It's paramount that we put ourselves first. People tend to view that as selfishness, but how can you be a light for others if you don't shine from within? Keep up the good work & stay positive! Good vibes.
Thank you so much!! i will <3