Hello readers! I have had just the best day today! It was wonderful. And, you all by now should know what a complete dork I am. You know I have to do a blog all about it!
First off, I'm still enjoying my new job SO SO SO much! I can not express that enough to you. I walk away every single day just in complete awe and amazement. Today was my first day with our actual trainer who will be showing and teaching us everything for the next 6 weeks. I love him so much. He makes it so much fun, that you forget about all the things you are learning and just kick back and have fun while it's still sinking in. Probably in a much stronger way than if he was up there just drilling the information in us. Another reason that I like him so much is that before our breaks and lunches, our individual groups are given a trivia question to answer. Each one is worth a point. The team with the most wins a prize of some sort. You all should know how excited this makes me. I am a nut when it comes to trivia. Today, the topic was Product Slogans and Jingles. Our group was the very first one to be given a question and I didn't realize that we were supposed to wait till after break to give the answer. I was so excited that when he said "Team 1, your question is once you pop, you can't stop." Well, I automatically shouted "PRINGLES!" He then laughed saying that was good, but that I was too anxious. It was humorous. I even sung the slogan for my group on the answers going with the jingles. Tomorrow I'm happy to hear it's movie quotes. WHOO HOO!
Anyway, on to the subject I was going to talk about, shopping. After work, I went shopping at Target. I needed some brown dress shoes for tomorrow. So, I was looking around and I found some I liked. Here's the picture...
It was then that I saw the name on the box. I knew that I had to get them then.....
I NEVER find anything with my name, much less spelled right. Like I said, I know I'm a dork. It makes me happy. After that, I thought I would look around for a minute. I saw some of the Asian influenced things that I had my eye on a few weeks ago. I went to pick it up and noticed the clearance stickers. I got both of these items for under $10. Seriously! I couldn't believe it. They both were priced over $20 at regular price. I considered it my lucky day. Yea! Here are pictures.....

First off, I'm still enjoying my new job SO SO SO much! I can not express that enough to you. I walk away every single day just in complete awe and amazement. Today was my first day with our actual trainer who will be showing and teaching us everything for the next 6 weeks. I love him so much. He makes it so much fun, that you forget about all the things you are learning and just kick back and have fun while it's still sinking in. Probably in a much stronger way than if he was up there just drilling the information in us. Another reason that I like him so much is that before our breaks and lunches, our individual groups are given a trivia question to answer. Each one is worth a point. The team with the most wins a prize of some sort. You all should know how excited this makes me. I am a nut when it comes to trivia. Today, the topic was Product Slogans and Jingles. Our group was the very first one to be given a question and I didn't realize that we were supposed to wait till after break to give the answer. I was so excited that when he said "Team 1, your question is once you pop, you can't stop." Well, I automatically shouted "PRINGLES!" He then laughed saying that was good, but that I was too anxious. It was humorous. I even sung the slogan for my group on the answers going with the jingles. Tomorrow I'm happy to hear it's movie quotes. WHOO HOO!
Anyway, on to the subject I was going to talk about, shopping. After work, I went shopping at Target. I needed some brown dress shoes for tomorrow. So, I was looking around and I found some I liked. Here's the picture...

It was then that I saw the name on the box. I knew that I had to get them then.....

I NEVER find anything with my name, much less spelled right. Like I said, I know I'm a dork. It makes me happy. After that, I thought I would look around for a minute. I saw some of the Asian influenced things that I had my eye on a few weeks ago. I went to pick it up and noticed the clearance stickers. I got both of these items for under $10. Seriously! I couldn't believe it. They both were priced over $20 at regular price. I considered it my lucky day. Yea! Here are pictures.....

I'm glad you're enjoying the new job. What kind of calls will you be taking? Basic customer service?
If I found some shoes named "Corey Anna" I'm going to by every pair in my size.