Well, today is Valentine's Day.....
I HATE Valentine's Day! What a bunch of meaningless shit it is. Ok, if you are one of those who love and adore this day...Great! I'm happy for you. Me? I'm not just a single woman who hates it because I don't have someone to present me with over-priced flowers, cheap cardboard chocolates, and a card for $2.95. I'm just a cynical bitch who despises the commercialized crap day that this is.
For me, if someone is going to tell me they love me, I want them to do it on their own accord. Not because some fabricated greeting card obsessed holiday told them to. Too many people treat this as the one and only day you are supposed to do something special for the one you love. If someone truly cared for you, you will have Valentine's almost every day, not just once a year.
Getting a gift for someone on this horrid day seems dumb and idiotic to me. If it were not a holy day of obligation for everyone to rush out to the nearest retail store and buy some cheap red or pink fuzzy heart-shaped something, I might view this day differently. Don't get me wrong, everyone loves getting gifts, even me. BUT it should be something that touches the heart and truly means something.
Like I said, if you are one of those who loves and adores all things cupid...good for you. I'd just rather see him with a knife through the heart when this day comes around.
I found this one a website and thought it was great!! I had to share!!
Valentine's Day is like herpes: just when you think it's gone for good, it rears its ugly head once more. No wonder some people prefer to call it VD. Yes, it's that special time of year when chocolate manufacturers and greetings card companies encourage you to demonstrate the extent of your fondness in cold, hard, cash (or the satin-covered equivalent) on February 14th.
Fuck that.
This year, celebrate or commiserate by sending an anti-valentine. Stick two fingers (or one, if you're that way culturally inclined) at any organization with a vested interest which prescribes how and when to show your feelings. This year, don't say it with flowers: say it with bile.
And now to do just that......here are my Valentine's Day cards! Enjoy!

I HATE Valentine's Day! What a bunch of meaningless shit it is. Ok, if you are one of those who love and adore this day...Great! I'm happy for you. Me? I'm not just a single woman who hates it because I don't have someone to present me with over-priced flowers, cheap cardboard chocolates, and a card for $2.95. I'm just a cynical bitch who despises the commercialized crap day that this is.
For me, if someone is going to tell me they love me, I want them to do it on their own accord. Not because some fabricated greeting card obsessed holiday told them to. Too many people treat this as the one and only day you are supposed to do something special for the one you love. If someone truly cared for you, you will have Valentine's almost every day, not just once a year.
Getting a gift for someone on this horrid day seems dumb and idiotic to me. If it were not a holy day of obligation for everyone to rush out to the nearest retail store and buy some cheap red or pink fuzzy heart-shaped something, I might view this day differently. Don't get me wrong, everyone loves getting gifts, even me. BUT it should be something that touches the heart and truly means something.
Like I said, if you are one of those who loves and adores all things cupid...good for you. I'd just rather see him with a knife through the heart when this day comes around.
I found this one a website and thought it was great!! I had to share!!
Valentine's Day is like herpes: just when you think it's gone for good, it rears its ugly head once more. No wonder some people prefer to call it VD. Yes, it's that special time of year when chocolate manufacturers and greetings card companies encourage you to demonstrate the extent of your fondness in cold, hard, cash (or the satin-covered equivalent) on February 14th.
Fuck that.
This year, celebrate or commiserate by sending an anti-valentine. Stick two fingers (or one, if you're that way culturally inclined) at any organization with a vested interest which prescribes how and when to show your feelings. This year, don't say it with flowers: say it with bile.
And now to do just that......here are my Valentine's Day cards! Enjoy!

Because I LOVE YOU, I will give you things I am sure you will like...