tell me if this is insane...
I have a thing for shoes, I personally love shoes for me, but nothing is better than great shoes on a woman...
so there's a woman, that I hadn't met yet, she was having a bad day...I was going shoe shopping anyways and happened to pick her up a pair of shoes as well, just to see if I had her style right, and I know I nailed it. It made her day, but now I think she thinks I am a total fucking loon...but it was worth it just for the sake of doing something nice for someone who was having a bad day...Am I insane?
I have a thing for shoes, I personally love shoes for me, but nothing is better than great shoes on a woman...
so there's a woman, that I hadn't met yet, she was having a bad day...I was going shoe shopping anyways and happened to pick her up a pair of shoes as well, just to see if I had her style right, and I know I nailed it. It made her day, but now I think she thinks I am a total fucking loon...but it was worth it just for the sake of doing something nice for someone who was having a bad day...Am I insane?

I agree with you about the Courtney Love thing, although I will have to admit she has played a couple of pretty good roles-- well, let me retract that statement because the roles I am thinking of are cracked out junkies which defeats the purpose of taking on a whole other persona. Okay, you win.