Long time no type, no shit....

things have been busy, just finished painting my girlfriends house....she's laid up from knee surgery and I am doing my duty to finish up the work on her house...Wondered how everyone was doing...hope your well...

will have new photos of new ink up soon and quit nicotine for good, what a fuckin trip....hope all is well... ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa
ok, so I am sitting in the basement of my mom's house in WA...just got back from Idaho, Montana, and Canada...what a trip...

anyways, hope all is well for those of you I haven't talked to in a while...

Life is good...and another die ends...
All is well in the land of NOD again...

I obviously wasn't doing well when I posted last....Must be that I am doing so well...
Hey glad you're back... hope things are going well. chin up my friend- the sun'll come out tomorrow.
How are you doing now?
Fuck it all...I really am in a stunned mode right now...

Things are good, and I am conflicted with all this good shit and all the other crap that happens in day to day life...

I am good at one thing in my life, and that's fucking things up...SO when does the other shoe drop...?

Who fucking cares really because it's all the same ole...
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What a fuckin' day....Things are well in many different aspects of my life, but was thrown for a total fucking loop today...my dad was admitted to the hospital for suicidal ideation....Thank god he didn't hurt himself...what the fuck is going on when your old man is thinking about taking himself out...???? I don't know what to even make of it...I have never seen my old...
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Wow, sorry to hear that. It's not surprising that you've never seen your father like that because chances are- he hasn't either. That's heavy man... hope everything is okay.
EL SUICIDO LOCO Ok, so the shoes have gone over well...we've been out twice this week....and all is well, but she has concerns because she parties and I don't...I don't know how to explain to her that partying doesnt bother me...I just don't care if others party, I just know that I can't...other than this, all is well in my land...ANY FUCKIN ways....

All is good, got myself...
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Takes some balls to wear shoes with pink in em...or maybe not eh doesn't matter I love pink and jealous of your new shoes.....
Thanks for wishing me happy bday.
Hey, have you heard of vegetarian shoes? Check it out:
Veggie shoes
Ok, so the saga of the shoes continues...but I knew I was money and had it right! She fuckin loved them...!

Must say things are going quite well...haven't had anything this interesting happen to me in a very long time.

Creepers and Pro Keds high tops, they work everytime! Actually I have no fucking clue, first time I have done something that crazy! But the...
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Im glad that the shoe thing went over well.. are we still talking about the shoes you got for the girl? Or did you buy more? You're cute. I always get along with guys with shoes fetishes wink
Thats very cool.. have you asked her out yet?
I may be headed north this weekend!
Went to a 7 AM meeting this morning to pick up my 2 year chip and was expecting just a mellow meeting and breakfast with my sponser...Next thing I know, 15 people showed up that had driven about 30 minutes one way to get to this meeting just to be there...That's fucking awesome....when I was drinking, my own family wouldn't even let me in their...
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Congradulation on your anniversary!! Thats really awesome.
This might be a weird question but, I know you are sober so do you still go to shows ever? Does that bother you?
Watching Army of Darkness, trying not to fall asleep...the excitement of celebration has me amped up!

"If you haven't died by an age thought predetermined through the timing of your abuses and excesses, then what else is there to do but begin another diary?" - Jim Carroll

hi! thanks for your comment on my leggypics. you are from colorado? thats cool. i love Basquiat too.!!
see, i dont actually OWN a kiss pinball machine. I just thought it sounded witty wink

Yeah, so the response to my previous journal was that I am not insane...always appreciate the feedback...

Now tell me if these are not the badass shoes to get her...

Black Creepers, with Plaid toe caps...

and some old school circa 1949 Pro Keds hightops, LIME green...What would you do...and would you like da shoes...

On another note...the count is on, I am almost 24...
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By the way, Spokane is a good distance from Seattle. Spokane is closer to Idaho, while Seattle is more NW. It is a little less than 300 miles. But if you are in the area, we should grab a drink.
Scratch the drink comment. I forgot. Coffee? blush