So I have been having some second thoughts about submitting another set to this site. Basically due to some stupid drama and snakes around here. But now I am looking at it a bit differently.
Why lower myself to the level of being irritated and letting them get to me right. I am better than that.
And people who choose to try and destroy other people are pretty sad in my opinion. Either that or attention hogs lol.
I've come to a huge conclusion and I don't give a fuck what they say behind my back or what they try to do to ruin my reputation. In the long run karma will bite them in the ass. ;)
So here's to a future new set! It's my right to have fun on SG too!
I've just never been able to understand why people have such a big problem with what other people do. If you want to get naked, get naked, if I don't like it, then I won't look, ya know? Its so weird how people these days try to be all hip and accepting, but sometimes they'll be the first ones to get all puritanical when you're doing something out of the norm.