NEVER delete your attachment album if you want your pics to show up in your blog!
What a dumb ass! Go ahead, laugh it up, I'm laughing at myself for doing it.
If you have already made a comment thank you! And now you can actually enjoy the pics I posted.
MAJOR PIC EXPLOSION!!! I hope you enjoy it cause it took me officially two days with my slow ass connection to upload all of them. And I mean a solid 42 hours haha! So read it or else lol.
I'm late for a long past due blog lol. Work has been so busy after the Emerald City Comicon I have just been too tired and not in the mood to type a blog. Please forgive me and here we go.....
My Friday train trip up to Seattle was met with Hemi_ picking me up and staying at her place for the night. She is such a wonderful, genuine person and made me feel very comfortable being it was the first time we had ever met. I'm always kind of nervous meeting people at first (especially from the site) even though I try and play tough and not act like it haha.
Hemi_ of course saw through my mask and did her best to make me feel at home which was way appreciated. And the next day I got to get a peek at her doing Insanity workout. Which was kinda sexy with all that jumping around, I should of got a pic of it. I regret to inform (and kick myself) for not getting a picture of her, made me sad when I realized it.
But! I did happen to snap a shot of her famous Magoo and his new counterpart Duke!
Poor Magoo unfortunately thinks it's Hump day everyday and had to go to doggie jail while I was there after molesting my leg any chance he got. I think he just get's too excited over new things lol. And I heard chronic masturbation can be a disorder so maybe that explains it.
Idk but...
And Duke, he's just a good Ol' Boy who minds his own business lol.
Saturday started off looking for the place I rented so I snapped some random city pics. Hello Seattle!
And last but not least my favorite city pic I captured, at night I call this one Seattle On The Move.
Then my friend good friend Paul (he doesn't have a membership) and I headed off to Comicon.
The Comicon was a blast! Like I said I wish I had taken more pics of some really awesome stuff.
When we first showed up we passed a booth Zach Fischer Comics & Illustration that was having a scavenger hunt with your camera phone.
They gave you a list of items or ideas and you had to be creative with what you chose and what you could win if you were one of the first five returned.
And just my luck as soon as I got the last thing on the list and booked it back to the booth (Comicon was also closing) sponsoring the hunt I was 10 seconds too late!!! Some guy had made it there just before me, ugh!
The guy that was running the booth knew my face and when he saw my look of dismay he waved me over and told me to hold on a few minutes, so I waited.
He was way cool about the situation and even though I wasn't one of the five finalist he still gave me a prize. A choice of an 11x14 print of his drawings which was good by me lol. I wasn't walking away with nothing after all that work. It was a tough scavenger hunt.
This is what I got, signed by the guy, Zach Fischer.
There was so much neat stuff at Comicon that I wanted to buy but had to restrain myself.
I was going to buy all of these socks but decided on one pair. And I grabbed a business card cause I am definitely shopping this store a lot!
What was really funny about me choosing these particular socks was that the guy at the check out was wearing the same pair, haha! Great sell tactic I must say.
Other Comicon randomness...
And while I was there I got to see Cadavre and her husband. (Wow, it's funny calling them husband and wife now lol). Don't forget she has a new set coming to MR on March 18!!!!
Tombstone and his lovely daughter. She was so cute in her costume. I also didn't realize he lives a lot closer than I thought to me than I thought.
Going to have to visit him sometime.
There were few others I didn't get to meet up with that weekend but I am sure in the future we will have many chances to get together.
And finally!.....Coming to SG MR May 9 !!!.......Softly Does It....
Thank you for the birthday wishes =)