WOW Crazy new years!
Went and had sushi for dinner with Kendra and got to see Autrix who I haven't seen in forever so that was cool. Then we went home to chill for new years then my roommates came home and the drinking began!
I had 2 glasses of wine + 1 glass of champagne + 2 shots of Sky Vodka, + 3 shots of Johnny Black Label (which taste like a burning fire place). Now you all know I'm not a big guy so you can imagine how drunk I was. My roommate Felecia's boyfriend is a DJ so he setup in the kitchen and was spinning all night long. It got pretty crazy, we ended up going to the apartment above and crashing there party and brought all them back to our flat so we had about 30 people here, it was so awesome. My roommates are evil though, pouring me shot after shot! The DJ ended up punching a hole in our roof, hahah but it's all good. Ended up dancing till 5am!!!! Then Kendra and I slept till 2pm today and just stayed in bed till like 6pm, haha.
Best New Years in a long time!
O, I am going to LA this weekend to get fucked up with my buddy down there so that's going to be fun!!!! Hollywood better watch out!!! Maybe I'll get discovered or become some rich ladies cabana boy!?
HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!! Much love from the tiny wonder!
Went and had sushi for dinner with Kendra and got to see Autrix who I haven't seen in forever so that was cool. Then we went home to chill for new years then my roommates came home and the drinking began!
I had 2 glasses of wine + 1 glass of champagne + 2 shots of Sky Vodka, + 3 shots of Johnny Black Label (which taste like a burning fire place). Now you all know I'm not a big guy so you can imagine how drunk I was. My roommate Felecia's boyfriend is a DJ so he setup in the kitchen and was spinning all night long. It got pretty crazy, we ended up going to the apartment above and crashing there party and brought all them back to our flat so we had about 30 people here, it was so awesome. My roommates are evil though, pouring me shot after shot! The DJ ended up punching a hole in our roof, hahah but it's all good. Ended up dancing till 5am!!!! Then Kendra and I slept till 2pm today and just stayed in bed till like 6pm, haha.
Best New Years in a long time!
O, I am going to LA this weekend to get fucked up with my buddy down there so that's going to be fun!!!! Hollywood better watch out!!! Maybe I'll get discovered or become some rich ladies cabana boy!?
HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!!! Much love from the tiny wonder!

Rock the motherfuck on, man. That is the appropriate way to celebrate the new year.