Wow it's been awhile since my last post. Thank you to everyone who gave me birthday wishes! Now that Im 23 I can feel death creeping ever so closer now, hahaha j/k
Things have been good and not so good lately. The good is that Ive maintained a somewhat regular biking schedule and I have really been enjoying myself. I am still enjoying my new job as well. The not so good is that we are in production mode for the new Mitsubishi site and thats becoming a pain in the ass. You would think with a client like mitsu that mitsu themselves would provide us with adequate assets for their vehicles. Bah. The other not so good is that Amanda has to be away for 2 weeks out of the month and that sucks. For some reason the market isn't as profitable as we imagined. It sucks that I found a great job and love this city; otherwise we'd probably have moved back to ATL by now. We don't want to do that because SF is such a great city and every day it feels more like home.
Oh yeah the Mayor of SF came to our work today and gave a speech. So that was neat to see the mayor already. Hes a very young guy, like 38 or something. I swear he's going to be president someday! He looks like Christian Bale in American Psycho and that makes me like him even more, ha.
I'm trying to grow some facial hair this week since Amanda won't be here complaining about my prickly face ha. I don't understand why its so patchy though. Why is it hard for shorter guys to grow full beards? Right now I look like a old man would if he did have a patchy beard freshly cut, darker in some areas where there are more hairs concentrated, its weird, stupid face.
I also got a new phone, if you don't have my number send me a message on here and Ill give it to you. It the new LG CU500 from Cingular. The main reason I got it was well for 2 reasons. 1. Amanda was going to ATL and needed the phone so I had to get a new one. And 2. It has an mp3 player. I was going to buy the small iPod shuffle a few days ago but now I dont because my phone can hold 512MB of songs (roughly 120 songs) and thats all I need. I needed something to listen to music on my bike rides, its perfect.
I have recently been really considering getting my sleeve tattoo done, or at least conceptualized and sketched out or whatever. Some days I REALLY REALLY want it, and other days I think Im going to miss seeing my skin or something, ha. All you tattooed people out there; did you have these same feelings at one time? If so, how do you feel now?
Leave me some comments please. I hate coming home and seeing 0 comments all day
Things have been good and not so good lately. The good is that Ive maintained a somewhat regular biking schedule and I have really been enjoying myself. I am still enjoying my new job as well. The not so good is that we are in production mode for the new Mitsubishi site and thats becoming a pain in the ass. You would think with a client like mitsu that mitsu themselves would provide us with adequate assets for their vehicles. Bah. The other not so good is that Amanda has to be away for 2 weeks out of the month and that sucks. For some reason the market isn't as profitable as we imagined. It sucks that I found a great job and love this city; otherwise we'd probably have moved back to ATL by now. We don't want to do that because SF is such a great city and every day it feels more like home.
Oh yeah the Mayor of SF came to our work today and gave a speech. So that was neat to see the mayor already. Hes a very young guy, like 38 or something. I swear he's going to be president someday! He looks like Christian Bale in American Psycho and that makes me like him even more, ha.
I'm trying to grow some facial hair this week since Amanda won't be here complaining about my prickly face ha. I don't understand why its so patchy though. Why is it hard for shorter guys to grow full beards? Right now I look like a old man would if he did have a patchy beard freshly cut, darker in some areas where there are more hairs concentrated, its weird, stupid face.
I also got a new phone, if you don't have my number send me a message on here and Ill give it to you. It the new LG CU500 from Cingular. The main reason I got it was well for 2 reasons. 1. Amanda was going to ATL and needed the phone so I had to get a new one. And 2. It has an mp3 player. I was going to buy the small iPod shuffle a few days ago but now I dont because my phone can hold 512MB of songs (roughly 120 songs) and thats all I need. I needed something to listen to music on my bike rides, its perfect.
I have recently been really considering getting my sleeve tattoo done, or at least conceptualized and sketched out or whatever. Some days I REALLY REALLY want it, and other days I think Im going to miss seeing my skin or something, ha. All you tattooed people out there; did you have these same feelings at one time? If so, how do you feel now?
Leave me some comments please. I hate coming home and seeing 0 comments all day

So is that the new "chocolate" phone they kept advertising? I got the Sidekick 3 and just noticed it has an MP3 player too. I loaded it up with songs even though I have an Ipod because half the time I forget it and always have my phone.
You don't really want to move back to atl,
Think about it, you are living in one of the greatest citys in the world in a sweet apartment, can walk to work in 10 min, get to bike across the golden gate whenever you like.(might I add it is the most photographed land mark in the world, which probably means tons of people will have you pic). Not to mention the diverse culters and great food.
The down side is amanda being gone half the month, but looking on the bright side of that. You guys will appriciate your time together more. And also not have to worry about dollars.
I will have to come up and go on a bike ride with you one of these days. I bought leather pants and they are super tight (sz 27) so I need to drop the soda and candy and start working out.
Oh and sorry about lunch the other day, maybe monday or something.