Ya Dig?
I love it here, who else lives in this city?
I'm in the suburbs tonight, I missed home. My brother accompanied me to my gig in Antioch. That was rad. Chicago is sweet, my day-job is terrifyingly monotonous, but whatever, got to Dj for a few hours tonight, played at the Lodge. Going back to my apt tomorrow, but I'm having trouble with living with my cousin at this point. Too much of an age...
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I've been dealing with train delays all day. If it wasn't freezing in Chicago I might have enjoyed running to and from work. But it is. So I didn't.
Snap me (fritzkwondo), I'll be waiting for this train to move.
Job interview! Wish me luck!
Just sitting in my car killing time, waiting around, entertain me please. I will accept hilarious selfies and YouTube links.
Go to Blackheart Burlesque in Chicago?
Sucks right now. Have to move to a new
of July!!!
bored laying in bed - snapchat time! Add me fritzkwondo