i stare at the ground a lot when i'm walking around outside. my friend found a bag of Shwag one time, so i think that's what i'm always looking for. and i see a lot of random wrappers and newspaper and wonder how the heck someone just dropped them...
the other day, i was staring at the ground and i found a black bra. right next to the sidewalk.. okay...what the fuck?? did someone's over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder actually just FALL off??!
but even more amazing to me is how did the chick NOT know that her lil muffins busted out of the oven???
the other day, i was staring at the ground and i found a black bra. right next to the sidewalk.. okay...what the fuck?? did someone's over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder actually just FALL off??!

And I'm doing pretty good. Busy as hell. How are you doing?