a spiffy new picture for a girl with a spiffy new outlook on life!
HAH! wrong! an awesome new picture for a girl who doesn't really give a fuck, but who is doing swimmingly in thermo class.
the annual fighting off of admirers has begun. why are they all so hot? why are they all so unsuitable? it is a mystery!
for halloween i was a pirate-ninja-robot. picture to come! also, the night before that i was a 50s back-up singer with my roomate. good sweet moses were we adorable! and we put my hair into a beehive by wrapping it around a styrofoam cup and sticking 30-odd bobby pins in. oh, and can't forget the hairspray. it left my hair looking so awesomely f-ed up i refused to wash it for the rest of the weekend. hence the new picture: enjoying my dirtiness.

HAH! wrong! an awesome new picture for a girl who doesn't really give a fuck, but who is doing swimmingly in thermo class.
the annual fighting off of admirers has begun. why are they all so hot? why are they all so unsuitable? it is a mystery!
for halloween i was a pirate-ninja-robot. picture to come! also, the night before that i was a 50s back-up singer with my roomate. good sweet moses were we adorable! and we put my hair into a beehive by wrapping it around a styrofoam cup and sticking 30-odd bobby pins in. oh, and can't forget the hairspray. it left my hair looking so awesomely f-ed up i refused to wash it for the rest of the weekend. hence the new picture: enjoying my dirtiness.
Your beautiful...it's one of those inner things.
Love may be free but you still have to pay the taxes on it!