sigh. my life is filled with death.
...on the upside, that makes me, like, totally GOTH!
i'm so goth my dead black cat smokes cloves.
but no, seriously. yesterday one of the quail chicks just up and died on me, when i was standing right there! in fact, he probably died instantaneously but avians often have huge spasms when they die, hence "running around like a chicken with its head cut off." so it's flapping all around the cage and i think it's having an epileptic seizure and catch, trying to calm it and cover its head.
"oh! oh, good, it's finally calming down. whew!"
aaaand today there were two mice who should have had their tumors harvested like TWO WEEKS AGO but for whatever reason, nobody did and they were left to die. i had to euthanize one because his whole leg had died and possibly turned necrotic-- it's hard to tell under the white fur, but the tissue looked blue and he somehow wasn't bleeding despite having chewed off his foot.
ooo, the cure's on comedy central! i'll take a brief break to adore them.
ok, so, yeah. the death and whatnot. on a lighter note, i absolutely love the xenopus frogs that i take care of. i never liked them much before, but they're so responsive! i mean, of course you can't cuddle them or anything, and it's not like their eyes are limpid pools of intelligence...
but they're special to me and they look so funny scooping food into their mouths with the little hands--- SQUEE!
so that's your update. more on the engine later, since people seem curious. my thermo exam is at 7:45AM tomorrow.
...on the upside, that makes me, like, totally GOTH!

but no, seriously. yesterday one of the quail chicks just up and died on me, when i was standing right there! in fact, he probably died instantaneously but avians often have huge spasms when they die, hence "running around like a chicken with its head cut off." so it's flapping all around the cage and i think it's having an epileptic seizure and catch, trying to calm it and cover its head.
"oh! oh, good, it's finally calming down. whew!"

aaaand today there were two mice who should have had their tumors harvested like TWO WEEKS AGO but for whatever reason, nobody did and they were left to die. i had to euthanize one because his whole leg had died and possibly turned necrotic-- it's hard to tell under the white fur, but the tissue looked blue and he somehow wasn't bleeding despite having chewed off his foot.
ooo, the cure's on comedy central! i'll take a brief break to adore them.
ok, so, yeah. the death and whatnot. on a lighter note, i absolutely love the xenopus frogs that i take care of. i never liked them much before, but they're so responsive! i mean, of course you can't cuddle them or anything, and it's not like their eyes are limpid pools of intelligence...
but they're special to me and they look so funny scooping food into their mouths with the little hands--- SQUEE!

so that's your update. more on the engine later, since people seem curious. my thermo exam is at 7:45AM tomorrow.
it's sooooo frustrating.. i don't know how to make it go away!