Testing Testing!
It has been 4 months since my last confession.....
Sitting having a listen to Saturnalia by the Gutter Twins and I thought I'd pass the time by writing a wee bit on here. It's a fine album, if you haven't heard it go and download it now. Dulli + Lanegan = Genius.
I'm gonna have a little read around after I post this and see what people on my 'friends' list have been up to. I've barely logged into this site of late. Lesser men than me would have merely cancelled but I'm always dragged back to the world of SG one way or another. Mainly for the boobies.
An update on what I've been doing.....
Music..... Southpaw have a new drummer but are a guitarist short due to serious illness. We hope Bernie will be back up and running soon and we can have a full quota again. He is a better guitar player than me so we could do with him back. I almost quit a month back but decided to keep going after having an enjoyable night playing Fury Murrays. Basically, we didn't have time for a soundcheck so just turned everything up as loud as it would go in protest and I think we deafened quite a few people. Got a Korg synth and a 4 track recently so I've been having fun with that. At least if the band falls away (which it will sooner or later) I'll still have some stuff to do things in the house!
Life.... set a date for nuptials. Looking at 12th September in a registry office with only the mothers present. As small a ceremony as possible for us. We ain't for people looking at us or fussing over us so this suits us great. Asides from that, a decent sized wedding will set you back about 10,000 these days and that's just not money we're gonna have at any point. No rich parents here unfortunately. But, no complaints, the smallness of it puts my worrying mind at ease.
It's my lady's 25th birthday today! Some posh nosh is called for this evening.
I've become of late an utter XBox and Lost junkie. It's really quite sad how much time I devote to these two things but hell, you've got to get your kicks somehow. If anyone wants to add me on Xbox live my handle is ciaopatsy.
Was at Frightfest in February. It was great seeing Reese Shearsmith and Andy Serkis at the world premiere of The Cottage. God knows what they must have thought of the smell in the auditorium though. A few hundred sweating Glaswegians does not a pleasant smell make.
Anyway, that's enough for now. I don't like talking about myself.
It has been 4 months since my last confession.....
Sitting having a listen to Saturnalia by the Gutter Twins and I thought I'd pass the time by writing a wee bit on here. It's a fine album, if you haven't heard it go and download it now. Dulli + Lanegan = Genius.
I'm gonna have a little read around after I post this and see what people on my 'friends' list have been up to. I've barely logged into this site of late. Lesser men than me would have merely cancelled but I'm always dragged back to the world of SG one way or another. Mainly for the boobies.
An update on what I've been doing.....
Music..... Southpaw have a new drummer but are a guitarist short due to serious illness. We hope Bernie will be back up and running soon and we can have a full quota again. He is a better guitar player than me so we could do with him back. I almost quit a month back but decided to keep going after having an enjoyable night playing Fury Murrays. Basically, we didn't have time for a soundcheck so just turned everything up as loud as it would go in protest and I think we deafened quite a few people. Got a Korg synth and a 4 track recently so I've been having fun with that. At least if the band falls away (which it will sooner or later) I'll still have some stuff to do things in the house!
Life.... set a date for nuptials. Looking at 12th September in a registry office with only the mothers present. As small a ceremony as possible for us. We ain't for people looking at us or fussing over us so this suits us great. Asides from that, a decent sized wedding will set you back about 10,000 these days and that's just not money we're gonna have at any point. No rich parents here unfortunately. But, no complaints, the smallness of it puts my worrying mind at ease.
It's my lady's 25th birthday today! Some posh nosh is called for this evening.
I've become of late an utter XBox and Lost junkie. It's really quite sad how much time I devote to these two things but hell, you've got to get your kicks somehow. If anyone wants to add me on Xbox live my handle is ciaopatsy.
Was at Frightfest in February. It was great seeing Reese Shearsmith and Andy Serkis at the world premiere of The Cottage. God knows what they must have thought of the smell in the auditorium though. A few hundred sweating Glaswegians does not a pleasant smell make.
Anyway, that's enough for now. I don't like talking about myself.

Congrats ons the "nuptials", seems to all be going well for you