It's wet wet wet but thankfully there is no Marti Pellow in sight!
Not been up to a whole load recently other than abusing my credit card. In the past few weeks I've bought an X-Box 360 on it along with some games and yesterday we ordered a 42 inch plasma TV. It's gonna take up half my living room but I care not! On top of that we're gonna book our September holiday to Barcelona this week so God knows how much I'm gonna owe that little piece of plastic fantastic! A lot is a fairly reasonable guess.
My lady starts a new job next week though and that's gonna bring in some extra pennies so I'm comfortable we can have our luxuries paid off in a few months time. Maybe more than a few.
Southpaw may be playing Barfly (upstairs) in february so that is something to look forward to. I'll probably post a wee event in the SG Scotland group and maybe someone can make it along. We're good. Honest.
Anyway, that's all I have to report for now. I'm off to play with my shiny new toy.
Not been up to a whole load recently other than abusing my credit card. In the past few weeks I've bought an X-Box 360 on it along with some games and yesterday we ordered a 42 inch plasma TV. It's gonna take up half my living room but I care not! On top of that we're gonna book our September holiday to Barcelona this week so God knows how much I'm gonna owe that little piece of plastic fantastic! A lot is a fairly reasonable guess.
My lady starts a new job next week though and that's gonna bring in some extra pennies so I'm comfortable we can have our luxuries paid off in a few months time. Maybe more than a few.
Southpaw may be playing Barfly (upstairs) in february so that is something to look forward to. I'll probably post a wee event in the SG Scotland group and maybe someone can make it along. We're good. Honest.
Anyway, that's all I have to report for now. I'm off to play with my shiny new toy.
*I'm not really