well today was my day off. yeah right, like that evers happens in this place. anyways, i get woke up and told me platoon had been hit by another fire bomb, a little bigger then the first one. this time they caught the guys that did it though. a couple guys in my platoon were slightly injured so they had to wake me and another guy up to go out and take thier place. we get all our crap on and never even leave the base because the rest of the platoon was at the bif (dont really know what that stands for but we take prisoners there) filling out paper work. while we are there another platoon was woke up and sent out into our sector. while they are driving around they see a car with 4 guys inside dressed in black waving guns out of the windows at civilians. so they go after them, the guys get stuck in traffic and jump out and run. the other platoon dismounts and chases after them, they cant catch 2 of the guys so they shoot at one of them and finally with no other option shot him. the other guy heads near one of the humvees and the driver runs him over. only the guy that was shot died. so now that platoon has to come in to fill out paper work and turn in the 3 people they caught. as for the dead body. who else would they give it to besides the people who were supposed to have the day off. we throw it on the hood of the humvee (it was in a body bag) and are told we have to take it to an iraqi police station. so we drive across pretty much the while damn base with this bodyt bungee corded to the hood heading for a gate that has a police station right outside of it. we got more then a few strange looks and one guy driving buy in another humvee was laughing his ass off at it. so we get to the gate and they let us leave by ourselves which they arent supposed to do and we go to the police station. the cops come out and say they dont want it and we tell them that its theres regardless, so they take it off the hood throw it on the ground open up the bag look at it and then leave it there and go back into thier station. we say fuck it, its not our problem anymore and leave. thats the end of the story, i know its not a very exciting ending but oh well. it was still and interesting event...
I joined your "in iraq" group because I'm curious as to what really happens over there. WhoDoVooDooWeDo is being deployed this week (12 months) and I want to get an idea of what he will be going through. I promise not to ask any stupid questions, well, maybe one: What is an IED?
also, i'm trying to get a darien lake event around for end of aug/beginning of sept possibly. check out the thread in the group for more info and let me know what you think.
your new (slightly pushier, but well intended) group owner
ps: my friend just got back from duty and some of the shit he told me and some of the pics he had were fucked up... stay safe over there man.