last night we had to secure and area around a car bomb that was found. so we're sitting there waiting for the bomb disposal people to do their job, all of a sudden booom, and everyone jumps behind their humvees. they tell us it was a canopener rocket the blew the side of the car off so the robot could see if it really was a car bomb or not. thats a pretty cool tool, until the car burst into flames because of it and with all of us just standing around not expecting anything, theres a louder boom and peices of the car start landing all around us. at this point everyones running to get inside one of the armoured humvees. then an even louder boom happens which sends the dash flying over us and landing on the hood of a car, on of the doors landed in the median and set the trees there on fire, and the hood landed in a house setting it on fire. the neighbors straw fence seemed to burts into flames on its own. so in only a few minutes we had peace and quiet turn to explosion after explosion raining car parts on top of us and flamming houses. oh yeah and the people that owned the homes decided they didnt want their cows to burn and ran into the house while things were still exploding. completely crazy...
Another day in paradise? Have a brother there at the moment. So the consern is great. You all are doing a great job. To bad there is a few who do not care enough for their countrymen to Go around and destroy the very people who are helping, and getting Iraq, to be a better Nation.