I am a friend to beautiful people
And that is all I can ever be
I don't complain about it
Because that isn't friendly
I don't believe I'm owed a thing
For the friendship I embody
But I'd be a liar if I didn't admit
How I desire the caress of your body
Rough draft, I'm realizing more now how many beautiful people, particularly women I know, I have to admire them from a distance because they are my friends and while I would do nothing to ruin that friendship I am open to the potential for something more. They are, however, not open to something more, which I completely respect and it wouldn't even be my place to not respect that. I would take their friendship over nothing at all, and I am honored to have it. But I still lament the limitations of that friendship and the lack of that complete intimacy which is to be someone's lover. I will never know the warmth of that kiss or the feel of that skin, the lover's embrace. Ahh well, such is life and love.