as most of you already know.. well the people that have seen my feet before..
i have retarded feet
my left is a size 8 and my right is a size 5
and i just was reading a new friends profile and it said this...
"... Who I'd like to meet:
someone who has a right little foot size 6 and a left big foot size nine, i think they are my soulmate..."
that is so ironic!
Well i am special, I have nerve damage on my whole right side of my body, therefore I'm just retarded.
The doctors say I was either beat when I was a baby or thrown on the ground and not taken to the hospital. lmao
I have already had re constructive foot surgery on my right foot, but that didn't fix anything..
so now my next surgery, they have to break all of the bones from my right knee down to re-set everything back in place and hopefully that will work, and if not.. I will personally cut off my right leg
It gives me so many damn problems.
kk thanks
i love you all
as most of you already know.. well the people that have seen my feet before..
i have retarded feet
my left is a size 8 and my right is a size 5
and i just was reading a new friends profile and it said this...
"... Who I'd like to meet:
someone who has a right little foot size 6 and a left big foot size nine, i think they are my soulmate..."
that is so ironic!
Well i am special, I have nerve damage on my whole right side of my body, therefore I'm just retarded.
The doctors say I was either beat when I was a baby or thrown on the ground and not taken to the hospital. lmao
I have already had re constructive foot surgery on my right foot, but that didn't fix anything..
so now my next surgery, they have to break all of the bones from my right knee down to re-set everything back in place and hopefully that will work, and if not.. I will personally cut off my right leg

It gives me so many damn problems.
kk thanks
i love you all
wow thats some craziness
Hey sweetness I misses you thought I'd stop by and say hey