Thanks beautiful @babel for tagging me!! ☺️ ☺️
- tattoos: 0 (even though I love the artwork)
- piercings: 0
- marriages: 0
- divorces: 0
- proposals: 0
- children: 1 grumpy chihuahua named Dino 🧡
- surgeries: only dental, they saved my front teeth after an accident 🙏🙏
- shot a gun: no
- quit a job: 1, no regret
- 100+miles in a car: a beautiful roadtrip in California with my best friend in 2010, we hope to do South America sometime 🌵
- hit a deer: a duck 🥺🥺
- zip lining: no, don't like heights
- cried over someone: my mum, long gone 💔
- fallen in love: yes but only a few I will remember forever
- watched someone give birth: 20x, in my internship, not my thing
- watched someone die: yes, I work in a hospital
- been to Canada: Niagara falls
- ridden in an ambulance: never as a patient 🙏
- visited Las Vegas: not for me
- sang karaoke: not for me
- been downhill skiing: no. I prefer to keep my bones intact 🦴
- ridden on a horse: no but I love all animals!
- stayed in a hospital: 1x as a kid, presents! 🤩
- donated blood: 0
Wishing you all a great weekend
Awww 😍🥰
so cutie ♥