Second week of the new job is in the bag. So far I've garnered excellent reviews from the boss and others. I passed my certification tests both written and physical with perfect scores. Basically I do chemistry tests to determine traits of incoming and in process natural oils; Free fatty acids and peroxide values primarily. Other tests include color, refractive index, melting point, and flavor. Spoonfuls of margarine abound. So far a pretty decent job.
The improvements I've made in my mental health have drastically effected my work I find. I can concentrate on my job for once and really apply myself. I have a new-found drive and pride in what I'm doing that really reminds me of myself at a much younger age. It's a pretty damn good feeling. I hope it lasts past the new and shiny phase of all this.
Still no love life. I'm ok with that for right now. I don't need anyone else to validate me. I can do that on my own. Do I want it? Yes, I do. A lot to be perfectly honest, but I'm ok without it and I have the patience I need from that to not throw myself into anything else as foolishly thought out as my last relationship. Patience Daniel-san. Until then, wax on, wax off.
As for mi padre, neurological investigation has shown his tumor is located in the most external layer of the membranes. As such they are almost always benign and easily operated upon. So that's what's gonna happen on the 25th. I'm nervous about it but he's in the hands of the University of Iowa Hospital neurological department. Ever since U.S.News & World Report began publishing its "Best Hospitals in America" reports in 1990, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics has appeared on that list every year. And the surgeon that will perform is simply one of the best in the nation. None-the-less I may sacrifice something for luck.
That's it for now really. I'm tired from work, and I might be engaging in a few intoxicants, so I'm done.
Later taters.
The improvements I've made in my mental health have drastically effected my work I find. I can concentrate on my job for once and really apply myself. I have a new-found drive and pride in what I'm doing that really reminds me of myself at a much younger age. It's a pretty damn good feeling. I hope it lasts past the new and shiny phase of all this.
Still no love life. I'm ok with that for right now. I don't need anyone else to validate me. I can do that on my own. Do I want it? Yes, I do. A lot to be perfectly honest, but I'm ok without it and I have the patience I need from that to not throw myself into anything else as foolishly thought out as my last relationship. Patience Daniel-san. Until then, wax on, wax off.
As for mi padre, neurological investigation has shown his tumor is located in the most external layer of the membranes. As such they are almost always benign and easily operated upon. So that's what's gonna happen on the 25th. I'm nervous about it but he's in the hands of the University of Iowa Hospital neurological department. Ever since U.S.News & World Report began publishing its "Best Hospitals in America" reports in 1990, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics has appeared on that list every year. And the surgeon that will perform is simply one of the best in the nation. None-the-less I may sacrifice something for luck.
That's it for now really. I'm tired from work, and I might be engaging in a few intoxicants, so I'm done.
Later taters.
also, here's to your dad, kicking that tumor's stinking ass, in surgery!