Beard gone! And I look a little insane. and double chin-y.
Why is it gone? Because I finally got a damn job interview. Thus the the need to clean up. We'll see how it goes tomorrow, but if the pay is right it could be a good spot, halfway between corvallis and portland. So I could feasibly move up north without being an unreasonable distance away from work. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
Weizenbock is in the fermenter and soon to be farting away. Other than that life is ok I suppose. Going to throw a battery in my old 66 beetle this week and see about getting it listed for sale. Probably put around in it in the meantime, pulling the ole "fat guy little car" stunt.
I had to sell my 70 monte carlo a few years ago and that sucked. Hopefully you will get the job. Good Luck
There ya go! Good luck with the interview.